Our goals

Who we are

EduChild is committed to improve the livelihood of disadvantaged students in Flores, by focusing on increasing their employment opportunities. To increase their chances of finding a job, we invest in their training. This is closely related to the need for well-trained and dedicated personnel on the local labor market.

What we want

EduChild continues to provide financial support to the School of Tourism in Flores. We are committed to:

  • development and improvement of the quality of vocational training and education facilities,
  • acquiring the necessary practice and employment,
  • set clear quality standards that provide assurance in achieving objectives,
  • realization of invested funds or other support provided.

How we do it

  • communication and recruitment are priorities in our policy, in favor of bringing in the resources necessary,
  • establish contacts with companies from our private network,
  • at least once every two years perform a large project (about €30,000). For this, we are constantly looking for co-financiers,
  • collaborate with relevant organizations such as funds, NGOs and government, whose objective is to develop Flores.