Developments wit EduChild

14-07-2015 - By Javelyn Westerveld

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMarjon has become a well-known guest for the Tourism School in Labuan Bajo (Flores, Indonesia). Full of energy and good stories she returned from her trip, back in May. A large part of her time her attention was in ongoing projects of EduChild. And not without success. Enthusiastically she tells about interesting people she encountered on her trip and the many opportunities for cooperation. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The island remains under development, the local population pays much attention to a clean environment, waste separation, development of tourism and the quality of education. The government is committed to familiarize people with problems associated with waste management and encourage restaurants, businesses and hotels to separate waste. Initiatives from locals arise to recycle waste and make them reusable. Pak Arie Daru for example, guide and also English teacher, set up a “garbage bank” where residents can drop off their non-organic waste for money,  with the assistance of WWF. Subsequently, a portion of the plastic bottles, cans and glass bottles are reused by his family and neighbors to create new objects for use in and around the house. Another part of the waste is processed and sold in Java.

As you know, tourism is a major source of income for Flores. Students from Wageningen University traveled to Labuan Bajo for a tourist survey, interesting findings were presented to the local government. The findings confirm our ideas about the need to improve the quality of training of the employees, when it comes to mastering the English language and also hospitality within te tourism industry needs improvement.

Not only EduChild committed to improving the quality of education. We are a member of the cooperation network for education of EcoFlores Foundation. EcoFlores Foundation initiates and facilitates cooperation for sustainable development of Flores. Founder Nina van Toulon has created this range of collaborative networks. By looking up cooperation in many fields from education to equality between men and women, also promotion drink water, agriculture and environment. Force, knowledge and experience are combined.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACurrently we focus on a project in collaboration with Father Marsel (pictured right). He is a respected member of Lebuan Bajo and is committed to the youth and their development into the labor market by teaching them skills in high demand labor like making furniture in and around the house. Therefore we look for cooperation with Dutch organizations to make sure tools and knowledge go toward Flores. Together we steam the benevolent youths ready for practical professions that allow them to earn a living as a carpenter, plumber, electrician and bricklayer. This is just a small sample of the initiatives from EduChild on Flores. On our new Facebook page, we regularly post messages. By Liking EduChild you can follow us and keep being informed of these developments.

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